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Top Tips for Interviews

You've done your preparation, complied a good CV and sent out job pays off – you are offered an interview! Being prepared and taking time to plan and research the company will really improve your chances of making a good impression, it will make you feel more confident and increase your chances of success. So put yourself in the best position to succeed.

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression". Never is this more true than during the first few moments of a job interview. In fact, what you say and do during the first ten seconds of an interview may determine whether or not you get an offer. The following suggestions may help.


1. Dress appropriately! Ensure your clothes are clean and tidy and you are presentable.

2. Wear something that you have worn before (this is not the day to discover your trousers are too tight!), Avoid wearing too much perfume and don't forget to wear a SMILE!

3. ARRIVE ON TIME – This cannot be overstated! If possible, do a dummy run beforehand.

4. Once there, treat everyone you meet with respect and be prepared to shake hands. Listen closely, maintain eye contact and be clear when answering questions. This is the scary bit but you can always prep some interview questions before you go.

5.Turn off your Mobile phone or make sure it is on silent before you go in (the company deserve your undivided attention!)


With these 5 top interview tips there is no reason why you shouldn't smash your next interview!

Good Luck!

The First Choice Team